Running the London Marathon: Jon Spree!

So, after months of training and running in the snow, the rain, up hills, down hills, alone, with friends and loved ones and with hundreds of complete strangers, Im 5 sleeps away from running my first marathon, The Marathon, London2018.

Its been an amazing challenge and i just want to enjoy the experience.  i know this is a business platform to share innovation, ideas and develop opportunities in the working environment, however i just want to ask you to stop for a moment and think about why we do this, what our goals are and the reason we get up in the morning and go to work.  These reasons are broad and varied, they are selfish and selfless.

All i can say is from my experience in business, the balance of work and life is key.  Life can be taken from us at the most unexpected moments.  Sometimes driving to achieve can cause us to fail, to lose touch, to lose love and friendship, to change who we are.

Im running this marathon to achieve a number of things, Im running to say i can, and i have, I’m running to show that i will and I do.  Im running to raise money and I’m running for myself and for my family.

Whatever your goals are, ensure they have balance, ensure they are achievable and ensure they are realistic.  Have work goals and life goals, make people proud and be proud of the people that make you a better person in business and in life.

And if you get a chance to give a little back where you can in life then do it.

Sermon over my friends…