Ben SampsonLead Developer

Ben is a lead developer at Pingala, where he’s been building innovative web solutions since 2013. Before that he was teaching himself to code while managing a large online gaming community.

Having joined as a junior developer, his journey has led him to be able to create and maintain some our most complex systems. He has gained a broader insight into the business world, bringing his passion for creating clean, efficient, and advanced code that powers our clients’ success. Over the years, he’s taken on the responsibility of overseeing all web software development, ensuring that each project not only meets but exceeds expectations.

His expertise lies in transforming complex requirements into ever evolving digital experiences, always prioritising quality and performance. He thrives on collaborating with our talented team to push the boundaries of what’s possible in web development. When Ben’s not coding, you might find him crafting things for his garden, cleaning out his guinea pigs, or talking gibberish to his baby daughter.