Agile IP

What have we developed for Agile IP?

  • Question driven web interface
  • Full CMS 
  • Strong identity around the core brand imagery and colours
  • Flexible topical lead design

What was the brief and challenges?

This website redevelopment was a very interesting project.  Having worked with Agile IP for almost 14 years, building their original website, the team wanted a refresh.  having talked through various options we came up with the idea of having 6 updatable questions on the home page.  The common questions around IP and Patent needed to be really high profile on the site, so the plan was to create these as updatable questions and links to detailed pages within the website.

The brain brand followed through with the background imagery and the question driven full content managed website was born.

I love this site, i love that it stands out and helps drive traffic to topical information or regular questions posed to the team on a daily basis.  There also a clever interface for booking meetings...

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