Global Artists

What have we developed for Global Artists?

  • Easy search function for Artists
  • clean simple format
  • Showcase and linked artist activities and work
  • Control the content within the CMS
  • Plenty of clean white space 
  • strong mobile presence

What was the brief and challenges?

Global Artists are one of the leading Agencies in London.  The website needed to reflect the high end high calibre individuals on their books, and with sharp imagery and details, ensures the site reflects the agency and artists quality.

We talked through the balance of searching, filtering and listing the artists.  We worked on the right balance on the home page with the artists and how they were defined and divided, creating a very strong identity for Global Artists and their industry.

The website was very well received and has kept Global Artists up at the top of their industry with fantastic feedback on the website from actors, stakeholders and production companies.

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