Specialized Security Products

What have we developed for Specialized Security Products?

  • Full E-commerce Platform
  • 3rd party API feed to and from Sage200
  • post development move from Sage200 to EOS
  • secure customer area
  • order tracking
  • delivery tracking
  • custom pricing

What was the brief and challenges?

To build a fully integrated e-commerce platform.  SSP were using Sage50 and a 3rd party CRM with a simple e-commerce system.  We scoped out options for keeping integrations with Sage50 and mapping a move to Sage200.  SSP decided to move to the larger 200 version, so development was to create the easy to search and filter through the 2 main product groups, then manage bespoke pricing for each customer, fed through an API with over a million calls through daily (customer updates, pricing updates product availability, order management and tracking).

The system was challenging with the capability of SAGE API as it was limited in what can be pushed and pulled through.  The final result worked really well and SSP subsequently moved the API to another provider as they sold their business.  We in turn worked with the new company and SSP altering the API to EOS which has more flexibility.

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What our client said...

We had a hugely positive and enjoyable experience using Pingala to build our website. They spent a lot of time during the initial scoping of the work understanding our business, the sector we work in and exactly what we were trying to achieve. Having set the project out, it was delivered in a timely manner and with no additional hidden costs, indeed a lot of the extra tweaks required were swallowed up in the initial budgeted cost.

Since the website was launched, the support received has been first class and we have built a lasting relationship with the Pingala Team, I would not hesitate to recommend them.
